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Fire Safety Checklist - Home

Fire Safety Checklist for the Home

4 of every 5 fire deaths are from home fires  -  Senior citizens and children are at higher risk.


  • Learn the common causes of home fires and burns
  • Involve the whole family and check for hot spots.
  • Know how to correct fire and burn hazards quickly and safely.


  • Store paint in tightly closed metal containers.
  • Keep basement & closets clear of excessive combustibles like papers, cartons, or old rags.
  • Check Fuse box to insure the right fuses are being used in each socket.
  • Keep electrical cords out in the open - not under rugs, over hoods, or through door openings.
  • Check electric cords routinely for wear.
  • Do not overload electrical outlets and install special circuits for heavy-duty appliances such as space heaters and air conditioners.


  • Do not smoke in bed or on the sofa when sleepy.
  • Check up after others to see that no cigarette butts are lodged in upholstered furniture where they can smolder unseen at night.
  • Keep matches and lighters away from children.
  • Dispose of smoking materials carefully in large safe ashtrays.


  • Wear short or tight-fitting sleeves when cooking.
  • Maintain a constant watch when preparing food.
  • Use a low flame to guard against overheated grease and overflows.
  • Always turn pot handles toward the center of the stove-Children may grab, or run into, the handle and spill hot cooking oil or hot water onto themselves.
  • Keep your stove and oven clean. Wipe up spills promptly.
  • Place towels, napkins and potholders away from the stove.
  • Set your hot water heater to 120'F to prevent scalds.
  • Store cookies, cereal, or other "bait," away from the stove -- climbing children may be burned.
  • House hold cleaners and chemicals are out of reach of children.
  • The poison control center number is posted by all telephones.


  • Only GFCI outlets are used.
  • Appliances are never used near water.
  • Electrical appliances are stored unplugged, out of reach of children
  • Showers and tubs have a slip-resistant rubber mats or decals.
  • Wastebaskets are kept emptied.


  • Upper story windows have quick release guards to prevent fall, yet allow an exit.
  • Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors on every level of the home and near the bedrooms.
  • Smoke alarms tested once a month
  • Smoke alarms are clean and dust-free.


  • Minimum 2" high letters preferably 4" high letters visible from the street
  • Store flammable liquids such as gasoline, in tight, properly labeled fire-safe containers, away from heat sources and small children.
  • Keep your distance from ignition sources (like open pilot lights on water heaters and stoves) when using flammables.
  • Turn off your lawn mower and allow it to cool before adding gasoline.
  • Clear away pine needles and leaves from the roof, eaves and rain gutters.
  • Trim all tree limbs within 10 feet and remove all dead limbs hanging over the house or garage.
  • When cooking outdoors, move open flame cooking appliances away from awnings and overhangs of the home. Also, keep children from hot grills.
  • Store flammables and combustibles stored in small approved containers.
  • Store flammables and combustibles in the garage or shed away from excessive heat, open flame appliances, and children..
  • Aerosol or butane containers are stored in a cool place out of the reach of children.  


  • Ashes are cool or wetted before putting them in trash cans.
  • Adults are told if cigarette lighters or matches are left lying around.
  • Firearms are stored, unloaded out of sight in a locked, child proof cabinet.
  • Ammunition is stored away from firearms in a locked, child-proof container.
  • Home fire drills are held often, during the day and night.
  • Know 2 ways out of every room.Safe meeting place once out of the house.
  • If there is a fire crawl low below the smoke.Never go back inside for anything.
  • Know how to stop, drop, and roll if your cloths catch on fire.

Contact Us

Brian Clark,
EMS Chief
432 Broad St
New Castle, IN 47362
Get Directions
  • Phone: (765) 521-6860
  • Fax: (765) 521-6657
  • Staff Directory
  • There are no regular office hours.

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