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Board of Works Meeting Minutes - 1/14/2013




January 14, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Greg York.





·         Director Barker moved to approve minutes from the previous meeting.  Attorney Copenhaver seconded.  Motion carried 3-0

·         Mayor York requested a motion to accept the Payroll, Water, Wastewater and General fund claims for the week of January 7, 2013 to January 14, 2013.   Director Barker moved to accept.  Attorney Copenhaver seconded.  Motion carried 3-0

·         Mayor York announced that the city has an emergency situation on Jester Drive with 3 houses that were annexed in city limits and have not been connected to the city sewer system.  These three homes had raw sewage coming up from underground.  The city contracted a company who has set up an above ground collection system until this meeting to establish an emergency to resolve this issue.  Attorney Copenhaver stated that due to the raw sewage he moved to declare it a public health and safety issue in accordance with IC Code 36-1-12-9 (b) and proceed with acceptance of quotes to resolve the issue immediately, accepting the lowest and most responsible quote submitted.  Further moving to give the Mayor full authority to sign a contract to end the emergency.  Director Barker seconded.  Motion carried 3-0

o        For the record the 2 quotes submitted were from Pritchett's Backhoe Service and Melton's Excavating.

·         Clerk-Treasurer York presented a sealed bid from Joseph and Krystal Peavler for $3500.00 for the property at 301 North 17th .  Attorney Copenhaver moved to take the bid under advisement.  Director Barker seconded.  Motion carried 3-0




·         Audrey Upchurch, 708 Indiana Avenue and Carolyn Keesling, 712 Indiana Avenue informed the board of a drainage issue in their alley and erosion of paving and requested assistance in repairing this issue.  After discussion the board informed the citizens they would review and work towards a solution.




·         Attorney Copenhaver moved for adjournment.