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Board of Work Meeting Minutes - 5/19/08

Disclaimer:  Official copies of the minutes from meetings of the Board of Public Works and the Common Council of the City of New Castle are available at the Clerk Treasurer's Office.  The minutes presented on the website do not include signatures and may not contain any amendments made at subsequent meetings.  Meeting minutes which may not be available on this website are available at the Clerk Treasurer's Office. 
Board of Works and Safety

May 19, 2008         10:00 A.M.


The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all in attendance.

 Prayer was given by Bud Ayers.

 Mayor Small opened the Board of Works and Safety meeting


Attorney Copenhaver: second                   Mayor Small: aye                   Aye vote: 3-0     




Director England made the motion to approve the agreement with United Consulting regarding the Sunnyside Sewer Separation  Project. He said that the Sunnyside area had

the majority of the sewers separated and were tied back into the city sewer system.  We are now in a position, considering all the other construction going on, on 103,  and another proposed project regarding the 103 by-pass, we take advantage of the on going construction and complete this project.  This project will relieve a large amount of  storm water from the Sunnyside area.  The amount of this agreement is in the sum of                                       $108,000.00.  The funds to pay this is already existing.

Attorney Copenhaver said this was part of the Storm Water Separation Program and we are doing it in advance, before the project is approved. 

Attorney Copenhaver; second                     Mayor Small: aye            Aye vote: 3-0


Director England moved to approve an agreement with Maximus Consulting for service, analyzing costs for services performed by the city and reviewing salaries and benefits.    

The cost would be $22,000.00 and the structure of this would run about a six-month period.

Mayor Small stated that the city has tightened its belts and now to avoid a crisis, because of the property tax bill, we must look at user fees.  We need to know what to charge, per other cities around us.  The charge of certain services will not effect basic services.

Attorney Copenhaver: second                   Mayor Small: aye                    Aye vote: 3-0



Director England informed the Board that there was a credit coming from the contractors on the pool project, in the amount of $11,200.00 for paving.  The city will do the paving.

This will save money and improve the parking situation.


Director England stated that the contract with the Henry County Trustee's Office and the New Castle Fire Department was next on the agenda.  He said the contract was in the amount of $208,424.00 for service, as well an additional $41,500.00 for equipment such as cameras and upgrade air packs.

Director England moved to approve this contract.

Attorney Copenhaver: second                 Mayor Small: aye                      Aye vote: 3-0


Director England moved to approve a change order for the swimming pool.  He said the galvanized fencing around the pool is being upgraded to a black vinyl coated fencing, in the amount of $8,230.00 and the money is available.

Attorney Copenhaver: second                   Mayor Small: aye                   Aye vote: 3-0


Department heads:


Wastewater Control Superintendent Hamilton announced that his department employees  were trying to raise 40-45 manholes this summer.  He said as for demolition of houses, his department was waiting for the Gas Co. to disconnect the lines from the houses.  He said they have just about completed another storm water project on Lynndale Drive.  The street sweeping crew will be concentrating on the parade routes and the Cemetery this week.


Street Superintendent Cross announced that he was hiring Randy RENEAU as a sanitary helper.  He said this would make employees at the street department.  He gave the trash pick up  schedule for the week of May 26th.  The trash will not be picked up on Monday, May 26, 2008, due to the Memorial Day Holiday, but it will be picked up on Tuesday, May 27th.  May 27th through May 30th will be on schedule.


Assistant Fire Chief McCartt, thanked the transportation department.  He also commented on the signs that hang across Main Street.  He said the Fire department would hang them.


Attorney Copenhaver moved to authorize the Director of Public Works to take what ever action is necessary to accomplish the hanging of the signs on a wire that is straight across Main Street.  He said there should not have to be any action from the Board.

Director England; second                    Mayor Small: aye               Aye vote: 3-0


Emergency Unit Director Burns announced the resignation of Neil Erickson from the First Aid Unit.  He said Mr. Erickson was going to Washington University to become a Physician assistant.

Director Burns requested that he be allowed to replace Mr. Erickson.  He said the Unit is short a man and Mr. Erickson needs to be replaced.

Attorney Copenhaver moved to approve the recommendations and request of Director Burns.

Director England: second                     Mayor Small: aye              Aye vote: 3-0


Park Superintendent Ayers said the park grounds were holding a lot of water this year and his employees haven't been able to mow like they would like to.  Mowing is slow and if we go in and mow while it is wet, it could do a lot of damage.


Attorney Copenhaver commented on the Fire contract. and for years the city subsidized the per capita for service that the township did for the same service.  This contract equalizes that.  The per capita in the township has gone up.


Mayor Small stated that the city will not wave liens on condemned houses.  He said this applies to vacant yards that go on the tax sale also. 


Mayor Small said he had asked the New Castle Redevelopment Corporation for $5,000.00 out of the Metaldyne TIF fund to beautify the downtown area by buying an additional pots like the ones that are on the corners now, along with the flowers to fill them.  This will be six additional flower pots and flowers.


Director England said he had a request from a business at the corner of 11th and Broad streets.  He said they would like to take care of the planter at this location is taken care of.

He said they were truly appreciated.


Mayor Small announced that all parking signs were being removed from the city parking lot across from the Municipal building.




Jr. Reid said he had received word that AAA insurance was calling dispatch to have the Public Safety Officer unlock accidentally locked cars.  He said the city does not charge for lockouts.  Mr. Reid said this would be one way to help, by charging for that service.


Elizabeth Heinz, Director of the Chamber of Commerce, appeared before the Board to

Director England moved to approve all city and utility claims dated 5/12/08 to 5/19/08. discuss activities in downtown New Castle on Memorial Day.  The parade will begin at 10:00 a.m., after Mayor Small gives a WELCOME to everyone.  She said there would a be a program honoring all Veterans, especially veterans of the Korea and Vietnam Wars.  She said there would be about 100 entries in the parade and asked for signs to be posted

about no parking along parade routes and barricades put up.  She also asked that the street sweeper be made available.


Gary Giggs, member of the Henry County Amateur Radio Club appeared before the Board to request that the Club be allowed to set up in Baker Park, on the far south-east corner to have what is called Field Day.  He said they would be there on June 28th and 29th.  He said radios will be set up and contacts will be made cross-country and the world if possible.  He said the reason for the request is so more people can see what amateur radio is and what it does. He said they would be running on emergency power until dark and then they would switch over to electric current.  He said there is a plug in where they could plug in after dark.  He said the shelter houses are booked for that day so they would be putting up a small tent.

Attorney Copenhaver made the motion to approve the request subject to the approval of the Park Board.

Director England: second               Mayor Small: aye                       Aye vote: 3-0


Gary Stamper, Salvation Army, appeared before the Board requesting that if the city had any old gravel they could use it on the parking lot at their location.  He said they were having a day camp and the children were going to help clean up New Castle and wanted to know what to do with all the trash.

Street Commissioner Cross said he could bring it to the Street Department and they would take care of it from there.


Mayor Small said that the demolition fund for houses is very low and there will be a resolution at the Council meeting tonight to draw funds from the CCD fund for demolition.


Director England: moved for adjournment.

Attorney Copenhaver: second

Janice L. Lavarnway, Clerk-Treasurer
Approved by me this 19th day of May, 2008.             
Jim Small, Mayor