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MVH - Street Maintenance

Street Maintenance


The Street Department contracts through an open bidding process for street paving which usually begins in the late Spring each year.  Streets are constantly being inspected for deterioration and when needed are added to the paving list. Streets are then paved as funding allows. If you have concerns regarding a street in your community, please let us know.


A list of pot holes is maintained in the street department and citizens may report pot holes by calling 521-6831.

In the Spring of 2004 the department added the Maxx Patcher and a 6,000 gallon emulsion heated storage tank to its fleet of equipment.  Employees were trained and a crew is now on the job attending to pot holes and street cuts on a daily basis unless mother nature interferes.  This eliminates the old "cold patch" method, a temporary fix, and allows for permanent repairs to be done by city employees at an overall cost reduction.  It also allows for repairing street cuts made by city utilities.

Street cuts made by anyone other than city utilities are repaired by the individual making the cut, at their expense, to city specifications.

Pot holes and/or street repairs on State Highways are the responsibility of the State Highway Department, however citizens may call the street department to report a problem and the department will contact the State on your behalf.