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Board of Works Meeting Minutes - 10/6/08

Board of Public Works and Safety

October 6, 2008         10:00 A.M.


The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all in attendance.

Prayer was given by Rev. Bobby York.

Mayor Small opened the Board of Works and Safety meeting

Director England moved to approve all payroll, city, water and sewer claims dated 9/29/08 to 10/ 6/08.

Attorney Copenhaver: second.                Mayor Small: aye                 Aye vote: 3-0    



Director England moved to accept the change made to the employee's status forms that is used. The old form allowed the two signature lines for the Mayor and Board of Works has been changed to reflect the necessary signatures.

Attorney Copenhaver: second                 Mayor Small: aye                Aye vote: 3-0


Director England made the motion to approve a service contract with Strand Engineering for Wellhead Protection services.  These services will include a 5 year travel plan for the Water department.  These services will run through 2010.  The amount of these services during that time will not exceed $20,000.00.

Attorney Copenhaver; second                  Mayor Small: aye               Aye vote: 3-0


Attorney Copenhaver introduced Greg Crider, a new associate with the law firm of Hayes, Copenhaver and Crider.


Department heads:

Water Pollution Control Assistant Commissioner York announced that three more sink holes have been found and are being repaired.  He said the GREEN PARK is coming along very well.  There have been 370 loads of asphalt removed from the park which is located between 21st and 22nd streets on I Avenue.  He said by the middle of this week, they should be ready to start turning the ground over.  They have gotten a report from FEMA, approving $67,000.00 so for.

He also announced that Chrysler Drive will be paved this week as a StormWater project will take care of any flooding.

     Director England said that the materials being removed from the park area, is being taken to Osborne Park so that it can be recycled and used for another project and take away some of the burden on our treatment plant.  He thanked all that has gotten involved in this project.


Street Assistant Commissioner Denney announced that the Street department started winter hours as of today, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. He said leaves would still be picked up at the curb from now through December 31st.  After that time, the property owner is responsible for discard.


Police Chief Nicholson announced that BEGGARS NIGHT would be on Friday, October 31st,

from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Chief Nicholson announced that Detective Lieut. Lawrence Frame has requested to be made a Detective Sergeant.


EMS Director Burns announced that there was a reduction in his department. Lieutenant Josh Russell will be going to a paramedic.


Mayor Small introduced a regional councilor and Justice of the Peace, Kevin Rose, from New Zealand, a member of the Hastings Constituency and a member of the Hawks Bay regional council.  He also introduced Mr. Rose's lovely wife Julian.  They are to be guests of the city today, going to the Board of works meeting, then to City Court and later they will travel to Randolph County to see a new ethanol plant. Mayor Small said that Counselor Rose is very interested in getting ethanol into his New Zealand area.



Dennis Adams, representative of the Knights of Phythias, appeared before the Board, requesting permission to have the Annual Christmas Parade on November 15th, beginning at 3:00 p.m. at the Baker Park entrance. 

     Attorney Copenhaver moved to approve the request.  Director Engtland: second        Aye vote: 3-0


Director England moved for adjournment.

Attorney Copenhaver: second