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Board of Works Meeting Minutes 6/2/08

Disclaimer:  Official copies of the minutes from meetings of the Board of Public Works and the Common Council of the City of New Castle are available at the Clerk Treasurer's Office.  The minutes presented on the website do not include signatures and may not contain any amendments made at subsequent meetings.  Meeting minutes which may not be available on this website are available at the Clerk Treasurer's Office. 
Board of Works and Safety
June 2, 2008                   10:00 A.M.


The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all in attendance.

Prayer was given by Steve Hacker.

Mayor Small opened the Board of Works and Safety meeting


Director England moved to approve all payroll, city, water and sewer claims dated 5/27/08 to 6/2/08.

Mayor Small: second.                                Aye vote: 2-0    


Old business:

Director England made the motion to approve a change and policy procedure, clarifying definitions in the S.O.P, dealing with GEO workers and Work Release workers and those ordered by the court to pay off a fine.

Mayor Small: second.                                Aye vote: 2-0


New business:

Director England moved to approve a License Agreement between the City and the Church of Christ, 304 S. 14th St., to use a strip of land adjacent to the church.  Director England read the agreement in full and stated that the caretaker of the church has been maintaining this parcel of ground for the last 30 years and will continue to do so.    

Mayor Small: second                               Aye vote: 2-0


Director England asked Water Pollution Control Superintendent Hamilton to explain the Camera System that had been discussed for the last several months

            Superintendent Hamilton stated that a camera system was needed for the looking into sewer problems and could be used by other departments in case of emergencies.  He recommended the purchase of this video system to check sewers that were 60 to 80 years old.  He said this should have been done years ago but was not.  He said the system would cost approximately $65,000.00, but with a trade in of some equipment, the price could be lowered to the high $40,000.00 if they purchase a demo unit.  This would also save 5%.  

            Mayor Small asked which system that he thought would be the best.

            Mr. Hamilton stated that the Environsite system was the best choice because it had everything that was needed.  He said the system was being sold by Best Equipment.

He said that all the others that were looked at would not fit all the criteria.

            Director England made the motion to grant permission to Mr. Hamilton to investigate and bring final figures to the Board next week.

Mayor Small: second                                 Aye vote: 2-0



Lee Ann McCorkle, representing four Wrestlers from Chrysler High School, who will be going to Nationals in North Dakota in July. She appeared before the Board to request that they be allowed to canvass and get donations to help with their entry fee.  She said Rex Peckinpaugh, their coach, and the four boys that would go to Nationals will have their pictures on canvassing cans.  She explained how the boys won different titles making them eligible for State.  She said this was a privilege for them to get to go and represent New Castle. 

            Director England made the motion to approve the request and wish good luck to the team.

Mayor Small: second                                 Aye vote: 2-0


Director England said he had received a phone call last week from Dick Leary, Red River Road, asking that Mr. England extend to the MS4 group his appreciation for the work they do, particularly at Mr. Leary's home.  He said Mr. Leary was very excited about the way they did their job.


Cory Whitesell, Hannum Wagle & Cline Engineering, appeared before the Board to give an update on the Pool at Baker Park.  He said the crews were there and there was a lot going on to close this project in the next month, with an opening date of June 28th. 

He said over the next couple of weeks, they would finish the tile and then fill the pool.  Training for the pool personnel will begin the end of next week.  The slide will be installed the week of June 16th.  Hopefully, we can open a couple of days early to make sure everything is ready to go.

            Mayor Small asked about the pool heater for late swimming in the fall.  Mr. Whitsell said there is a heater included.  He said next year at this time and there are a few cool days, you can have the pool opened with warm water.  We are excited about the pool heater and the splash pad.

            The Street department is doing the paving in the parking lot.  He said he had been working with Milestone and the schedule when the paving will be ready to do.  Mr. Whitesell stated that the city would receive a credit for what the city is doing and it should help with the paving and stripping.


Mayor Small said he had received a letter regarding a tornado and storm shelter.  A lady who is new living in New Castle, in a trailer park, was concerned where she and her family would go for safety if there was a tornado.  She asked the Mayor to come up with a plan or is there such a plan where someone could go in case of an emergency.

            Director England said years ago, the Civil Defense had designated places to go.  The Library was one and others throughout the city.  

            Mayor Small said he would talk with Ron Huffman and bring this request to his attention.


Discussion about the Tornado Sirens, when the warnings are sounded and when they were updated.


Park Superintendent Ayers discussed the training that he and his employees will need before the pool opens.


Department heads:

Transportation Manager Thornhill said her Internet was out and had no idea when it would be back up.  Mayor Small thanked Mrs Thornhill for all the work she is doing as WEBSITE  Administrator.  He said she was doing a fine job.


Wastewater Pollution Control Superintendent Hamilton announced that the engineering has started on the stormwater project in the Sunnyside area.  He said they would be advertising on July 21st for bids on the Industrial Park extension.


Assistant Superintendent of the Wastewater pollution Control announced that he and his crew would begin work at the Green Park next week.  He said that there will be a sign erected for the Green Park.  Mr. York also stated that Mr. King, a retired Science teacher, wants to help with the picking and placing of the trees in the park.


Building Commissioner Riggs announced that his department has put in two sidewalks.  Congratulations were given to Mr. Riggs on his promotion to Building Commissioner by Mayor Small.


Citizen appearing before the Board:

Dave Dennison, representing Amy Wright, appeared before the Board requesting in what direction she should go to have a FARMERS' MARKET at the Library parking lot.  He said they needed the direction soon so they can advertise and meet to develop.

            Director England said he would like to research different locations and that he would contact Ms. Wright since he has some questions that he would like to ask.


Director England moved for adjournment.

Mayor Small: second


Janice L. Lavarnway, Clerk-Treasurer

Approved by me this 2nd day of June, 2008.
Jim Small, Mayor