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Sidewalk Replacement Program a Success

Information reprinted with permission of the Courier Times, local newspaper New Castle, Indiana www.thecouriertimes.com

Sidewalk replacement program a success

Posted: Wednesday, July 6, 2016 6:00 am | Updated: 9:09 am, Wed Jul 6, 2016.

New Castle’s sidewalk replacement program has been so well received that there is now a waiting list for those interested in participating.

At Tuesday’s meeting of the New Castle Board Works, a request from Robert Meador, 1215 Webster St., for a $500 sidewalk replacement reimbursement was unanimously approved.

Director of Public Works Dave Barker reported that Meador spent $2,300 on a new sidewalk, that the work had been inspected and met all program requirements, and that he qualified for the reimbursement program.

Mayor Greg York’s administrative assistant said Meador was the third person this summer to qualify for reimbursement in conjunction with the sidewalk program and that four additional applicants were expected to qualify in the next couple of weeks. She also said approximately 25 other people were on the list of those who have expressed an interest in participating. That should exhaust the $15,000 appropriated for the program this year.

In early 2015, city council member Rex Peckinpaugh suggested a program to encourage city residents to repair or replace their sidewalks. The council earmarked $15,000 to pay for half the cost of a sidewalk repair or replacement, up to $500 per property owner every four years. The money comes from the city’s share of riverboat gambling money.

Those interested in being reimbursed for repairing or replacing their sidewalk should call the mayor’s office to be placed on the waiting list. At that time they will be asked for their name, address and phone number. Those coming up on the list will be contacted and asked to fill out an application. After the completed application has been returned to the mayor’s office, participants pick a licensed and insured contractor of their choice to complete the work. When the work has been completed the resident pays the contractor and presents all relevant receipts to the city. A city official will then inspect the final project to make sure it meets code. After it has been determined the project meets program requirements the resident is then eligible for reimbursement of half the cost up to $500.

Mayor Greg York supports the sidewalk program and encourages residents to consider taking advantage of it.

“This program was very successful last year and even more successful this year,” York said. “People are catching on to it, and it helps the curb appeal here in our community. We’d love for everybody with bad sidewalks to put new sidewalks in, keep the weeds out of them and take care of them, and to not put trash on them either.”

An application for the sidewalk program is available at City Hall, 227 N. Main St.

Anyone with questions should call the mayor’s office at 765-529-7605.