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Street Repair Bids Tabled

Information reprinted with permission of the Courier Times, local newspaper New Castle, Indiana www.thecouriertimes.com

Street repair bids tabled

Posted: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 12:00 am

Several area streets soon will be repaved, though the timeline involved is dependent on the weather.

The New Castle Board of Works received two bids for street work during a specially-called meeting Tuesday. The bids, from E&B Paving and Milestone, were split into six separate projects.


“We’re hoping to get this done this fall. We won’t be able to take care of all six projects, but we want to try to get as much of them taken care of as we can this fall,” Mayor Greg York said.

New Castle Director of Public Works Dave Barker shared details of the sealed bids after they were opened.

The projects being considered include a stretch of County Road 100 South from near South Mound Cemetery to New Castle Community School Corporation’s bus barn, a portion of Whittier Lane, a portion of Midway Drive, patching along a stretch of Chester Drive, streets in the Castle Pointe subdivision and some of the roads in South Mound Cemetery.

 E&B Paving’s total bid price was $270,278 with an option that did not include milling road surfaces in the cemetery. Milestone’s total was $285,512.25 and also did not include milling the roads in the cemetery.

On a motion from Mayor York, both bids were taken under advisement. A decision is expected when the board next meets at 10 a.m. Monday in council chambers on the second floor of city hall, 227 N. Main St., New Castle.