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City Helps Santa With Holiday Letters

Information reprinted with permission of the Courier Times, local newspaper New Castle, Indiana

City helps Santa with holiday letters

Area children who send a letter to Santa via the special drop box in front of City Hall will get a personalized response from the jolly old elf that includes small holiday gifts.

New Castle Clerk-Treasurer Christy York said this is the third year for the program, and reminds participants that each letter must include a legible return address in order to get a response. Letters should be dropped off by Dec. 15.


A mailbox decked out for the holidays was placed on the corner of Broad and Main streets prior to the annual Knights of Pythias All American Christmas Parade. The mailbox was then moved to in front of the New Castle Municipal Building and Fire Station No. 1 at 227 N. Main St.

“Each letter that has a return address on it gets a response back from Santa. We also include a little gift of some kind. This year’s responses will include an activity book and a pop-up Christmas ornament as well as a candy cane and, of course, a personalized letter from Santa,” York said.

York and her staff read each letter and try to make sure something the child references is included in the response from Santa.

“That way, especially if they have siblings, each child isn’t getting the same letter,” York said. “Santa answers something they’ve asked or references something they’ve asked for, it’s not just a form letter.”

This program is self-funded and doesn’t make use of tax payer money. Donations from the public cover most of the costs, and if it looks like she’s going to be a little short York solicits additional contributions.

“We look for every frugal way to keep costs down but still allow the kids to have some fun when they hear back from Santa,” she said.