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Ordinance #3680 - New Castle Promotional Fund





     WHEREAS, I.C. 36-7-2-7 provides "A unit may promote economic development and tourism"; and,


WHEREAS, this Council has for many years in its annual budget provided for a promotional fund to be utilized by the administration for these purposes; and,


WHEREAS, it has been discovered that a formal ordinance creating the fund has never been passed despite its continued use and the appropriation of monies for same; and,


WHEREAS, such a fund is needed in order to allow for special projects and events to occur during the course of the year as has been done by the City over the past several budget years; and,


WHEREAS, it is appropriate that the fund formally be established.


NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL of the City of New Castle, that a fund is hereby established to promote economic development and tourism.  Said account shall be titled, "The New Castle Promotional Fund."


Funds appropriated by this Council to said fund shall be used to pay the expenses of or reimburse City officials as the case may be for expenses incurred in promoting the best interest of the City.  Such expenses may include, but are not limited to, rental of meeting places, meals, decorations, memorabilia, awards, expenses incurred in promoting industrial, commercial, and residential development, expenses incurred in developing relations with other units of government and any other expenses of a civic or governmental nature deemed by the Mayor or this Council to be in the best interest of the City.  More specifically, in addition to the general promotional purposes set forth, the funds may be used for, but not limited to the following:


A.   Easter Egg Hunt;


B.   Santa's Mailbox;


C.   Reimbursement of food and concession stands for current year's graduating class pool party;


D.   Christmas decorations;


E.   Flowers downtown;


F.   Flowers for the urns at the cemetery for decorations on Memorial Day;


G.   City's Well Wisher's Program welcoming new residents to the town; and,


H.   Purchase of City promotional items such as pens, pencils, note pads for distribution containing the logo and name of the City distributed for advertising and promotional purposes.


It shall be appropriate and proper for the Mayor of the City to utilize funds for the purposes set forth hereinabove to promote the economic development and tourism of the City.


     REPEALER: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.


     SEVERABILITY: Any provision herein contained which is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful or which by operation shall be inapplicable, shall be deemed omitted but the rest and remainder of this ordinance, to the extent feasible, shall remain in full force and effect.


     EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage.