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Park Board Meeting Minutes - 4/1/2013


APRIL 1, 2013


MEMBERS PRESENT:     Jerry Hyden, Jim Cole, Christian Miller, and Brad Crowe


OTHERS PRESENT:         Mayor Greg York, Bud Ayers-Superintendent, and Kendra Kennedy



Mayor York opened this meeting at 5:30 pm.


Brad Crowe made a motion to approve the minutes from December 11, 2012 meeting. Second by Christian Miller. Motion carried 4-0. Jim Cole made a motion to approve the discussion notes discussed in January and February since no minutes were made due to no quorum. Second by Christian Miller. Motion carried 4-0. Brad Crowe made a motion to approve the minutes from March 4, 2013 meeting. Second by Christian Miller. Motion carried 4-0



Mayor York announced the new date for the City Easter Egg Hunt. It was previously March 30, 2013 but due to weather conditions it was moved up to the following Saturday, April 6, 2013 from 2-4. Mayor York also announced that at that days Board of Works meeting, Heather Wait had come before the board wanting to use Baker Park on July 13, 2013 for an ALS run/walk to help raise awareness and money for the ALS association. Mayor asked the board to make a motion to approve this event. Jerry Hyden made the motion. Second Brad Crowe. Motion carried 4-0


Jim Cole stated he had received calls about the bike rack, Jerry Hyden stated it was located on the south side of the pool. Jim Cole also noted that the trees that had been cut down the roots were going to be used for mulch but it can't be in the same location because it would kill existing trees. Mayor York noted he wanted to mix it with leaves and take to Osborne Park. Jim Cole also stated he had presented Mayor York with a check from the board for $25,000 to the RDC which leaves the balance at $350,000. Jim Cole lastly asked Bud Ayers about the trash containers and Bud said they would all be out by Friday.



Mayor York made his announcement during the new business discussion.



Bud asked the Mayor what the target date was for Osborne Park and Mayor York said weather permitting, in the next few weeks. Bud also noted that the press box at Osborne Park is beyond repair and it needs to be removed. All was in favor of this. Bud also asked about the wood chippings and Mayor York said that he would have the street department come and pick them up. Bud mentioned also about the bad trees in Osborne and the Mayor said he would go and evaluate them with Harland Cole and come back to the next meeting with an update.



Will Reubeck came before the board to present the illustration of the park he wants to build in the southeast corner of the fire station and the horse shoe pits. It would border P Ave and Roosevelt Ave. Along with the park he would do the landscaping and with some picket fencing along it, people could be a section and have their name dedicated on it. Target completion date for the project is 9-13-13.  Jerry Hyden made a motion to approve this project. Second Christian Miller. Motion carried 4-0