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Union Affairs

The City of New Castle is comprised of four (4) bargaining units:
AFSCME - all hourly, full-time employees employed by the City except police, fire, firstaid and management. 
     2013 AFSCME Contract                              2014 AFSCME Contract                  2015 AFSCME Contract                    
     2016 AFSCME Contract
Emergency Services - formerly known as the first-aid department, does not include any clerical or management employees which may be employed in this department.
     2013 EMS Agreement & SOP                     2014 EMS Agreement                    2015 EMS Agreement
     2016 EMS Agreement
Firefighters  does not include any clerical or management employees which may be employed in this department.
     2013 Firefighters Contract                           2014 Firefighters Contract            2015 Firefighters Contract
     2016 Firefighters Contract
Police - does not include any clerical or management employees which may be employed in this department.
     2013 FOP Contract                                      2014 FOP Contract                      2015 FOP Contract
     2016 FOP Contract