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Special Needs Passenger Information

This information is available in other accessible formats upon request.


All buses are wheelchair lift equipped

 Passengers may qualify for reduced fare due to a permanent or temporary disability.  Individuals wanting to see if they qualify should contact the Business Office at 521-6847.

Making reservations is simple.  Follow the instructions under the "Routes & Schedules" section and tell the dispatcher if you will need the lift.  Only persons with disabilities may use the wheelchair lift.  Passengers using wheelchairs or scooters may use the lift.  Personal care attendants and service animals may also use the lift.

Drivers are not permitted to assist passengers on and off the bus, except with the use of the wheelchair lift.  Therefore, if your disability requires someone to help you up and down the stairs, etc., you will need to bring a personal care attendant with you.  You personal care attendant rides at no charge as long as they are there to give you assistance.


Indicate to the driver if you need the wheelchair lift.  Let the driver know if this is the first time you have used the lift.

Stay at least 6 feet back from the door.

Wait for the driver to tell you when it is safe to board the lift.  If you are using a wheelchair or scooter, you will need to board the lift back first.  This is the safest way to board.  Make sure your brakes are set.

Once securely on the lift, firmly grasp the handrail, located on each side while the lift is in operation.  The driver will assist you inside the bus.