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Historic Preservation

The New Castle Historic Preservation Commission (NCHPC) oversees preservation and protection of the historic and architecturally significant structures in the Historic Districts of the City of New Castle, Indiana.

The NCPHC's jurisdiction includes renovation, demolition and new construction in the Historic District. and new construction and demolition in the Phase One Historic District (commonly referred to as a Conservation District). The Commission awards Certificates of Appropriateness (COAs) to projects that meet the guidelines. The NCHPC meets to review applications on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers (located at the City Building, 227 N Main Street, on the 3rd floor.) The meeting is open to the public.

Please contact Historic Preservation Commission Staff, Brittany Miller, at 765-478-3172 or east@indianalandmarks.org to submit completed COA applications and/or with any questions. COAs must be filed with Commission Staff one week before the next meeting to be considered for approval. Persons conducting projects in the Historic Districts must display the Certificate.

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